8. Electronics Production

This week we worked on the electronic design and the manufacture of a PCB.

Description of the work process of the week08

The first thing we did was download the Kicad software and then install it on the computer. Once installed we add the library that was downloaded from the git lab.

The first step to design my circuit in the software was to draw it on a sheet of paper, this allowed me to just write the name of the pieces and add them..

Within the configuration I made was to modify the scale and the supports, rotate and save the model. Once the model is saved, take it to the printer and print. What the printer will do is print it, it gives you an estimated printing time, it begins to heat up and once ready it begins to print.

reflection and analysis

Something that happened to me when I started my project was that I got a symbol loading error. Solve them by repeating the steps you did at the beginning..

I also really liked the software, and I was experimenting a little with the elements, I tried to see if I could design the circuit that I require for my final project but I couldn't finish it. I still need to know more but I think I'm on the right track, and above all I'm learning a lot.

Useful links

